Friday 23 December 2011

Viewing job history via T-SQL

This SQL Server script will display job history. The benefit of this script over displaying it from the GUI is that you get to see the job durations quickly. You will need to replace with the job you want to see history for.

select job_name, run_datetime, run_duration
select job_name, run_datetime,
SUBSTRING(run_duration, 1, 2) + ':' + SUBSTRING(run_duration, 3, 2) + ':' +
SUBSTRING(run_duration, 5, 2) AS run_duration
select DISTINCT as job_name,
run_datetime = CONVERT(DATETIME, RTRIM(run_date)) +
(run_time * 9 + run_time % 10000 * 6 + run_time % 100 * 10) / 216e4,
run_duration = RIGHT('000000' + CONVERT(varchar(6), run_duration), 6)
from msdb..sysjobhistory h
inner join msdb..sysjobs j
on h.job_id = j.job_id
) t
) t
WHERE job_name = ''
order by job_name, run_datetime

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